PHP is an open source language. It is one of the most widely used techniques and the most effective technology that is on the prowl.
Here are the latest trends in PHP which software developers use to make webpages more attractive and user-friendly.
- Responsive Web Design
- Online Presentation
- Special Effects
- Fixed header bar
Responsive Web Design:
Now-a-days most people rely on internet, social media, Electronic mails, mobiles and tablets for their day to day use. So as to provide user satisfaction, these services must provide more interactive platforms to keep those services updated. This will provide access to their services seamlessly.
- Online Presentation :
Make boring data beautiful and easy to understand, you can grab your audience easily. Using infographics will provide the facts without much explanation. It also saves surfing time. Knowing what content to include and what not to is crucial to the success of good online presentation.
- Special Effects:
Special effects were previously seen only in movies and games. Now, readers are expecting them in websites too. It can be experienced by providing Parallax scrolling. It is a method where images and videos are scrolled slowly to give user a 3D experience.
- Fixed Header Bar
By fixing the header to the top of the web page, the users can access to the required menu quickly. It also helps in brand promotion by displaying the brand name on the top, thus attracting the attention of the users all the time. This helps them to remember the name in future.
Mind Spark Technologies is a leading Web and Mobile App development company in Coimbatore. We build web and mobile app using latest technology with user-friendly layout.